Girls Volley Ball at MS 302 in the Bronx.

Girls Volley Ball- MS302If it’s Saturday, its girls volley ball at MS 302 in the Bronx.

SGHY funding opened the school’s gym for the girls volleyball team to practice and play – and enjoy comraderie in a safe place with teacher supervision.  No wonder the MS 302 team won their division’s championship. This year SGHY will sponsor Summer Volley Ball for the students of MS 302.

And here’s what the students had to say:

Thank you for helping our volleyball program last year.  I was able to learn a lot.  I liked that we were able to practice on Saturdays without the boys watching us or having to share the gym.                                                                                                                      Angelica Gonzalez

I really enjoy playing volleyball and I am planning on playing in high school and in college.  I hope your organization continues to support our school so girls like me have something to do on Saturdays.   Our team was really good and I enjoyed the new friends that I made.
 Jaymie Ellington

Thank you for helping us to keep our building open on Saturdays so we can practice.  If I did not practice on Saturdays I would probably just play on my computer.  Thanks for helping me to stay active.                                                                                                      Angelina Ramirez


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