- Youth Enrichment – Program Rooster
Each year SGHY provides our schools with enrichment programs in sports, dance, hands-on science, outdoor nature, cultural exchange, music, drama and summer camp. See our unique, effective eight-p0int program model for the way in which SGHY delivers programs and activities.
See here for the full description and elaboration of the program model.
An enrichment program provides a student with a high level set of hands-on experiences, exposures, and education within a particular athletic, cultural,or academic field, genre, or discipline. Parents and educators recognize the worth and value of these programs to a child’s social, emotional and intellectual growth and to later life opportunities. Those parents who can afford it pay for their children to receive these enrichment programs outside of school, such as swimming lessons, music school, robotics clubs and the like. Children from very low income households receive none of this resulting in shortchanged life opportunities and dreams and health. Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth uniquely fills this gap for those children, bridging inequity one child at a time, by supplementing regular school day and after-school middle school programs with enrichment activities which those schools and their after school programs lack either in degree or in subject matter altogether.
- Basketball: Teacher Led; Columbia Women’s Basketball Team; 16 weeks at 1.5 hours/week, or equivalent/school; two schools full program; three schools supplemental clinics; 60 students
- Volleyball: Teacher Led; Columbia Women’s Volleyball Team; 16 -24 sessions/school; 1.5.hours/session or equivalent; four schools; four schools; 120 students.
- Tennis: New York Junior Tennis & Learning Coaches; Columbia Men’s Tennis Team; One school, Fall, Winter (indoor), spring; Two schools, spring only; culminating tournament; 90 students; children keep rackets & tennis balls.
- Field Hockey: US Field Hockey Association; Columbia Field Hockey Team; three 90 minute sessions, including one at collegiate field; follow up play in school; two schools; 60 students; children keep sticks and pucks.
- Swimming: Seahorse At Acqua Solutions Aquatic Complex; Five schools; 24 sessions, hour session/school; 125 students;
- Badminton: Teacher Led; Columbia Badminton Club; Four schools; 12 1.5 hour sessions/school; 120 students
- Ice Skating: Ice Theatre of NY; Inspiring performance by Ice Theatre followed by 1.5 hour skate session with instruction,(plus outdoor nature ice skating trip); five schools; 600 students.
- Bicycling; CatRock; two 1.5 hours learn-to-bike sessions followed day riding trip; three schools; 75 students
- WOMEN IN SPORTS BREAKFAST: girl athletes get to have breakfast with collegiate female athletes at Columbia, exchanging experiences, thoughts, with encouragement of female athleticism; 2.5 hours; three schools, 75 students
- Hands On Space Science – Part I Space Science: The Aerospace, Aviation & Engineering Program** Air Flight , Rocketry , the International Space Station (ISS). (1) In Class Instruction. (2) Three auditorium programs: Columbia Space Initiative (CSI); Professor Astronaut Mike Massimino; International Space Station hook up. (3) One visit per science class to NYC Henry Street Center for Aerospace & Applied Mathematics. (4) Grade trips to Museum of Natural History/Planetarium, Intrepid Museum; Five Schools, 600 students
- Space Science Immersion – Part II: Each school selects 30 students; Spring Semester. (1 )Day trip to Columbia Campus for Aerospace and Engineering Lab activities, including Electricity Lab. (2) Nighttime trip to Pupin Hall for astronomy observing. (3) Digital Universe week-long course at Hayden Planetarium during winter or spring break. (4) 10 week after school program at Aerospace Center (Henry Street or in-school). (5) Inside Airport Trip (after school or weekend) Four Schools, 120 students
- Hands-On Environmental Science: Three school day trips, with possible fourth add on, during school year: Columbia University; Earth Institute/Lamont Doherty; Wave Hill; Governors Island or Harbor Tour. Soil analysis project, under auspices of Rockefeller University, visit to Rockefeller Labs (pending) Five Schools, 180 Students
- Outdoor Nature: Three or four Sierra Club led trips, one per season, up to 85 students (entire grade) weekend or school day at the school option. (1) Fall: Apple or pumpkin picking; fall foliage hiking. (2) Winter: Bear Mountain ice skating, sleigh riding conditions permitting; winter hike. (3) Spring: Spring Awakening Hike (Child’s Park, Pennsylvania, other). (4) Summer Aquatics Option: Harbor Tour or Delaware Rafting or rowing (all pending) Five Schools, 375 Students
- Cultural Exchange – Global Classroom: In School Class or Afterschool Club; suitable for student government, weekly one period – one hour. School Option. ( 1) Students create and exchange videos with overseas peers, engaging each other in video conversation. Current countries include Gabon, Israel, Spain, with others to be added. (2) Teacher must participate in quarterly Zoom sessions with overseas teachers. (3) Guest visits for two or three sessions from TriBeCa Film Festival filmmakers to coach students on how to tell a story through film. Trip to UN. Four Schools, 110 students
- Dance National Dance Institute: 12 week course subject to renewal if held in fall. Basic dance movement, all genres; student choreography; choral singing, grand finale performance, up to 30 students, minimum 20, boys and girls; schools must schedule a recruitment program by NDI during school day for a target grade. NDI selects students to attend advanced course based on performance. This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
- Music: Weekly, 90 minutes, two 12 week courses for both music classes (Drama one 12 week course), grand finale performance; min 6, max 20 students.
Folk Guitar: NY Conservatory of Music, provides folk guitar instruction at schools, with singing. Children keep guitars at end of program. Three Schools, 48 students
Voice: NY Conservatory of Music creates a school chorus, provides voice coaching to individual student chorus members. One School, 40 students
SUMMER CAMP (2023 Pending) Open to all Schools
- Co-Ed – Sports, Science, Arts: Sleepaway Camp at Camp Zeke, five nights
Day Camp: Kids of Summer, one week program, 5 days/wk.; mixed athletics.
Basketball: Hoop Group, basketball sleepaway camp; 1 week - PENDING , THIS SPRING:
~ Running, Road Runners, revival of pre-COVID program
~ Ice Hockey, Learn-to-Play,affiliated with NY Rangers
~ Holocaust Education Auditorium Program, Dr. David Milch Foundation
~ Where does Food Come From/Healthy Eating, Solutions Now, Sierra Club
~ Behavioral Health Initiative, Northwell Health
~ Sound+Music, the science of music and sports; learning math & science through musical sound and athletics.
- Co-Ed – Sports, Science, Arts: Sleepaway Camp at Camp Zeke, five nights