SGHY Will Include Space Science Education

Space Science Education

A Day at New York City Center for Space Science Education (NYCCSSE).

This year SGHY will include Space Science Education for classes in MS 302 and MS 126 to attend the New York City Center for Space Science Education (NYCCSSE) a science-rich educational experience operated by the Department of Education.  Our students will utilize a NASA Aerospace Laboratory and Mission Control and Space Shuttle simulators as well as a robotics

Lab NYCCSSE provides students with hands-on science learning. Under the brilliant leadership of its Director, Katherine Brown and its talented and dedicated teaching staff  NYCCSSE teaches math and science while inspiring boys and girls to dream about becoming scientists, mathematicians, engineers, pilots and astronauts.   While serving on Community School Board 2, Sophie initiated what was to become this fabulous city-wide educational science facility.

I felt like I was really in space and working for NASA.

9th Grade Student

I was a communications officer and we launched a probe to Halley’s Comet. I would love to become a communications officer when I grow up. It was very interesting. 
6th Grade Student

Space-Science-Education_FlyingThe special education teacher and I were working on the force and motion unit together. Likewise we were collaborating with the social studies teacher on his World War II unit.  Our combined efforts lead us to focus on the paratroopers of D-Day.  Your program at NYCCSSE took all these elements and made the forces of flight something that the students could relate to and feel successful about.  Our principal loved how so many disciplines were tied together giving the students an in depth study that they will never forget.
8th Grade Teacher

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