Sophie’s Stars Join Girls Basketball League

Sophie's Stars - Greenwich Village BasketballSophie’s Stars Win  The Greenwich House Malakoff Girls Basketball League Championship

SGHY provided an opportunity for more girls to play basketball by reviving the Sophie’s Stars team.  Sophie’s Stars won the league championship!  But, as Sophie would say, all girls won just by participating.

“Sophie was one of the very first sponsors of the Greenwich Village Girls Basketball League twenty years ago, recalls Harry Malakoff, Commissioner and founder of the League. “She was, and her foundation continues to be, a difference maker in the lives of hundreds of young women over a long period.”

Says their coach, Rosemary Ryan, “The girls loved being part of Sophie’s Stars, and the joy they felt–about the beautiful team uniforms, the opportunity to compete and practice each week in a terrific gym with real referees and fans, the new friendships they forged with one another– was contagious.”

Says Summer, age 12, “Playing for Sophie’s Stars was a great experience– to meet other girls and become friends. It also gave us all the chance to learn skills and get better at basketball!”


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