Success and Opportunity

A Year of Dedication, Collaboration, and Expansion  …And a chance to double your contribution In fiscal 2022 SGHY expanded services by 150%, increasing the number of school partnerships from two to five as well as greatly expanding the curriculums we can offer.  Thanks to generous contributions from our individual, corporate, and union supporters we have, so far, been able to provide a wide variety of programs in 1,180 sessions in fiscal 2023(Fall 2022); but there… Continue reading

Thank You for Summer Camp 2022

You Made It Happen! Six days of summer camp can be a big deal for any kid. For children whose families can’t afford activities like camps or vacation, experiencing a week full of firsts can be life-changing: swimming in a lake, holding a frog, or seeing a nighttime sky filled with stars. Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth (SGHY) coordinates and funds two yearly summer camps – Camp Zeke sleepaway the Kids of Summer day camp. This… Continue reading

National Dance Institute Summer Recital

National Dance Institute Scholars - a summer event

This year’s National Dance Institute Summer recital was even more amazing than the last. There are spring after-school classes for our students at MS302 in the Bronx and then this very special National Dance Institute Summer Recital at Jacques D’Amboise’ famed institution.  SGHY offers a scholarship to two deserving students for an intensive month of dance training every year.  This year’s scholars were Jayda McCoy and Jett Torres. Each piece in this year’s recital was new… Continue reading

Third Annual Tennis Tournament – UPDATE


The Third Annual Tennis Tournament for the Sophie Gerson Cup was held June 3rd, 2016… at Columbia University’s Dick Savitt Tennis Center,  (Map). We never tire of the energy and enthusiasm our Middle School students bring to this tournament every year.  With the continued hospitality of Columbia University’s Varsity Tennis Coach Howie Edelman and Varsity Team Champs, Richard Pham, Burt Vancour and Shawn Hadavi  with the steady and experienced guidance of NY Junior Tennis and Learning NYJTL , and… Continue reading

NYC Center for Space Science Education Welcomes Our Students


The NYC Center for Space Science Education at 220 Henry Street will introduce our students from MS 126 and MS 302 to STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) this year.  Their program is a leader in this subject. Their lab consists of the Challenger Space Center (40 in the U.S.), and the NASA Aerospace Education Lab (28 centers in U.S.). And this is all made possible by the NASA Space Act Agreement which allows partnering with the community… Continue reading

Spring Benefit Delivers on Summer Camp

This Year’s Spring Benefit Tops Its Goal  A trendy restaurant lounge on the far West Side in the 30s actually sports a mini-basketball court. When it’s Walt “Clyde” Frazier’s place — Clyde Frazier’s Wine and Dine — that’s what you get, and it was an appropriate venue for the 2015 spring benefit for Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth….Tequila Minsky, The Villager, May 28th, 2015 Honored at the event were Walt Frazier; Steve Ashkinazy – an L.G.B.T.rights pioneer; Pastor… Continue reading

Sophie’s Stars at the 2015 Playoff

It was a very exciting day for Sophie’s Stars at the Greenwich House/Malakoff Girls Basketball League Playoff.   Though they didn’t win the playoff on Saturday, March 14th, everybody recognized their powerful back court skills and shining team spirit, right down to the purple and yellow face paint! And the award luncheon, where everybody is a winner, was a pretty impressive event, too. The team:  Top Row from left to right: Coach Ashley Contreras, Annie… Continue reading

National Dance Institute and Bronx MS 302 Students

Middle School students from MS 302 – The Luisa Dessus Cruz School rehearsed for 12 weeks with National Dance Institute instructors Bianca Johnson, Dufftin Garcia and Jerry Korman toward an inspiring recital on Feb. 11th. Each week MS 302 teacher, Barbara Palmer, brought 14 aspiring dancers to NDI’s studios at 217 West 147 St. from the South Bronx for the opportunity. Continue reading