Success and Opportunity

A Year of Dedication, Collaboration, and Expansion  …And a chance to double your contribution In fiscal 2022 SGHY expanded services by 150%, increasing the number of school partnerships from two to five as well as greatly expanding the curriculums we can offer.  Thanks to generous contributions from our individual, corporate, and union supporters we have, so far, been able to provide a wide variety of programs in 1,180 sessions in fiscal 2023(Fall 2022); but there… Continue reading

A Week of Adventure

What a Difference a Week Can Make! More than 100 under-served middle schoolers. One amazing six-day summer adventure. A lifetime of benefits. Each summer, Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth (SGHY) partners with public schools in NYC to provide under-served middle school students with the opportunity to get away from the sweltering city. For those whose families can’t afford activities like camps or vacation, experiencing a week full of firsts can be life-changing; SGHY ensures they have… Continue reading

Thank You for Summer Camp 2022

You Made It Happen! Six days of summer camp can be a big deal for any kid. For children whose families can’t afford activities like camps or vacation, experiencing a week full of firsts can be life-changing: swimming in a lake, holding a frog, or seeing a nighttime sky filled with stars. Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth (SGHY) coordinates and funds two yearly summer camps – Camp Zeke sleepaway the Kids of Summer day camp. This… Continue reading

This Was Summer Camp 2019

Camp Zeke Summer Camp

SGHY is so grateful to recognize the record breaking contributions to our Summer Camp program from our 2019 sponsors, the Dr. David M. Milch Foundation, the Fr. Louis Gigante Foundation, the David Richenthal Foundation, George Olsen, Esq., Henry Bulh, the United Federation of Teachers, and the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators , and hundreds of individual donors for 2019. Their support gave over 100 middle school students from our school-year programs in under-served districts… Continue reading