Where S.T.E.M Works

SGHY Students get a chance to see how S.T.E.M really works

New York City Center for Space Science Education (“NYCCSSE”), is a facility where S.T.E.M works. SGHY is incredibly fortunate to have partnered with the Airline Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) in cooperation with the Fund for Public Schools to offer a program where  S.T.E.M works. Last February, 32 middle school students from  very low income communities experienced, over the course of their school’s winter  break, the challenges and joys of air flight as they learned… Continue reading

NYC Center for Space Science Education Welcomes Our Students


The NYC Center for Space Science Education at 220 Henry Street will introduce our students from MS 126 and MS 302 to STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) this year.  Their program is a leader in this subject. Their lab consists of the Challenger Space Center (40 in the U.S.), and the NASA Aerospace Education Lab (28 centers in U.S.). And this is all made possible by the NASA Space Act Agreement which allows partnering with the community… Continue reading

SGHY Will Include Space Science Education

This year SGHY will include Space Science Education for classes in MS 302 and MS 126 to attend the New York City Center for Space Science Education (NYCCSSE) a science-rich educational experience operated by the Department of Education.  Our students will utilize a NASA Aerospace Laboratory and Mission Control and Space Shuttle simulators as well as a robotics Lab NYCCSSE provides students with hands-on science learning. Under the brilliant leadership of its Director, Katherine Brown and its… Continue reading