Sophie’s Stars at the 2015 Playoff

It was a very exciting day for Sophie’s Stars at the Greenwich House/Malakoff Girls Basketball League Playoff.   Though they didn’t win the playoff on Saturday, March 14th, everybody recognized their powerful back court skills and shining team spirit, right down to the purple and yellow face paint! And the award luncheon, where everybody is a winner, was a pretty impressive event, too. The team:  Top Row from left to right: Coach Ashley Contreras, Annie… Continue reading

Tennis and Basketball Day-Camp in Riverside Park

Kids of Summer Day Camp

Sixteen of our Bronx students this summer were enrolled at Tennis and Basketball Day-Camp in Riverside Park where they had intense basketball or tennis instruction, on the Hudson.  The Kids of Summer, one of the City’s top-quality day camps in connection with the Riverside Park Conservancy provided the instruction and facilities, and also generously discounted the cost.  SGHY arranged for transportation and remaining tuition.  Our kids came away with new skills, new confidence, new friends… Continue reading

Basketball Sleepaway Camp with Team First at Knox Boarding School

Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth - Ty Grant

 SGHY sponsored eight campers, four from each of our schools (MS 302 and MS 126), for a basketball sleepaway camp.  Retired NBA and St. Johns basketball star Tyrone Grant and his Team First coaches provided intense basketball training.  In addition, our inner-city kids —  many for the first time – experienced boating, swimming, and interacted with nature at Knox Boarding School on Long Island’s North Shore, as well as making a bunch of new friends.… Continue reading

Sophie’s Stars Join Girls Basketball League

Sophie’s Stars Win  The Greenwich House Malakoff Girls Basketball League Championship SGHY provided an opportunity for more girls to play basketball by reviving the Sophie’s Stars team.  Sophie’s Stars won the league championship!  But, as Sophie would say, all girls won just by participating. “Sophie was one of the very first sponsors of the Greenwich Village Girls Basketball League twenty years ago, recalls Harry Malakoff, Commissioner and founder of the League. “She was, and her foundation… Continue reading

Girls Volley Ball at MS 302 in the Bronx.

Girls Volley Ball- MS302

If it’s Saturday, its girls volley ball at MS 302 in the Bronx. SGHY funding opened the school’s gym for the girls volleyball team to practice and play – and enjoy comraderie in a safe place with teacher supervision.  No wonder the MS 302 team won their division’s championship. This year SGHY will sponsor Summer Volley Ball for the students of MS 302. And here’s what the students had to say: Thank you for helping… Continue reading