Young People’s Town Hall

SGHY and Friends Produce a Young People’s Town Hall Virtually Presented on Monday, June 22nd from 4-5:30pm

Young Peoples Town Hall

Click on this image to see the full flyer.

NYC’s youth have been through a lot recently, with so many troubling and confusing events and challenges: COVID- 19, remote learning, the murder of George Floyd, stores vandalized. But they have also witnessed many good people coming together peacefully to proclaim that Black lives matter, demand justice and build a better future.  SGHY and Friends want your City to listen to you, the children of New York City.  Tune in for FREE at

Watch, Listen and Join the Chat

Your panel will include top Covid-19 experts, physicians, emotional health experts, educators and youth program leaders. There will also be an elected official and a former pro basketball player.

We invite all students in Grades 4 through 9, from all schools and neighborhoods. Your friends, family, teachers and principals are also welcome!

            • Express your feelings on any aspect of what you have been through, and what you want for your summer
              and future, or
            • Ask experts your questions or express your concerns, complaints, feelings, suggestions, ideas and hopes for
              the future, or
            • Tell government what the City should do for young people, and for your school and community this
              summer and beyond.


This Town Hall is Sponsored by the following organizations who care about young people:
Sophie Gerson Healthy Youth
The Dr. David M. Milch Foundation
Be Terrific TV
Labor Press
The Council of School Supervisors & Administrators (CSA)
The United Federation of Teachers
Local 372, District Council 37, AFSCME
The Chinese-American Planning Council

This Town Hall is generously produced and broadcast by Giving TV & Be Terrific TV, Michael Artsis, CEO.


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